Monday 27 April 2015

Strange case of...the, um, sex doll?

This is the story of a foolish young girl whose curiosity got more than the better of her. In fact, you might say it got the better of the rest of her life. Ha ha ha ha! Ha…ha…hm…moving along. This story contains…I don’t know what to really call it. Body suit? Transformation? This sort of kink is beyond even my spectrum as it’s not the sort of kink you would expect to find on purchase at your local bondage shop. But I know a few of you out there would absolutely LOVE to be young Cassandra. I’m Kathy. Well…no, you can be Kathy too but she’s got the boring role of performing the exposition. So it’s one or the other. Or not. This is the first fictional story I’ve written, do people really have to relate to one of the characters? That would be foolish, wouldn’t it? For it to work a character would have to love anything but hate everything. I’m rambling, I know. I just think of where this is going and head into “Blog Mode”. And…I like to talk in my blogs. A lot. Because I talk. A lot. Right, should just begin the story. By the way, it will be me telling it, in case that isn’t—alright, alright.
Our story opens up inside of a laboratory. I don’t know the kind…science. Is that really the only kind? Hm. Will have to look that up later. Anyway, the story is after hours on a Friday night at a laboratory. Very important to remember that, pets. Friday night because…well, you’ll see. Cassandra and Kathy are just cleaning up from the days experiments when Cassandra notices one of the beakers still full. Hold on. Wow…they are called beakers. I always thought their technical term was glass tube. But then again I could mean anything with that. I once saw a glass dildo strap on attachment. It was quite the sight! They were working it on this one porn actress who told me it felt rather nice. Though if it chipped then it’d have to be replaced. But still, a glass dildo! Where was I? Oh, yes, the beaker. It was full you see. Well…half full. No…full. Full’s better and perhaps a little more believable for later. Although, this whole story won’t be believable later. OMG, I just wrote whore instead of whole. Just where is my mind these days, pets?
“What’s this?” Cassandra asked Kathy, who is totally hot for one of those science ladies. They’re both rather attractive. For Kathy just imagine yours truly in a lab coat. Maybe some thin framed glasses for that instant sexy, whip off moment. She does it just now in fact so she can see the beaker held by her lovely blond…no…brunette…redhead! Yes, haven’t gotten any of those. Well, I sort of do. I don’t have one myself. Actually, she’s one of my dogs toys. But it’s not her. This one has green eyes and a nice little figure. Petite…but not too small where it counts. This is an erotic story, pets, everyone looks like porn starlets.
“Oh, that’s a new compound we’re working on. Instant regeneration effects for the skin. You slather it on and it tears away the bad cells and replaces them with good ones.” Or something. I told you this story wouldn’t be completely believable. But it’s fun so far, right? You’re still reading? “It’s in experimental stages right now so please don’t tip it out of the container.”
Just had a little giggle moment but I deleted why. Writing is certainly a fun pastime.
“Why? It looks pretty solid.” Cassandra asks, tilting the beaker to an angle that would have the contents pour out if not for Kathy’s cat like reflexes. She tilts the beaker back and takes it from the silly girls hand placing it back on the counter.
“Because it’s unstable. We haven’t figured out how to stop it from spreading. On the tests we’ve run, the solution would completely overrun its host. We know it wouldn’t suffocate a person, given that its properties are to give life, but it would be impossible to remove with no ending source. Meaning if you let even one drop hit your skin it could cover up your entire body in the span of a few minutes!” I like it when people yell like that, especially here because I want you all to know and understand just how foolish Cassandra is about to be in a matter of moments. “Now, continue cleaning, I have to go and sort some files.” Because I think they keep files in labs too. They should, right? Not everything is on computers these days.
Anyway, Kathy leaves Cassandra alone in the room with the solution. Cassandra knows she shouldn’t touch it but she also believes that if she could make it work then she would get credit. So she takes the solution and instantly pours it down on her arm! The foolish girl! Just as Kathy had told her, the liquid begins flowing over her skin eating away at her clothing until she’s completely nude! She tries to scream out but the solution inhabits her mouth freezing it open and puffing up her lips a bit in the process! When it’s all over, she falls to the floor nude and glossy pink, her eyes being the only thing on her moving. Kathy comes in and finds the girl only to start laughing as she points down at her.
“I told you. Now look at you, a silly little sex doll. Well…guess there’s nothing left to do but take you home and use you, hm?” And because it was Friday Kathy had all weekend to fuck her little sex doll stupid in the mouth and pussy. Also Cassandra lived that way the rest of her life. Why? Because you want it that way just like me, pets!
The End.
Wasn’t that a wonderful story, pets? Wasn’t Cassandra a silly goose? Now look at what she has to live with. Well, that’s actually not too bad a life. Kept alive by your shell and fucked by a smoking hot lab worker? Almost makes me wish I took up science… I’m sure I could still be who I am now. But for those that went straight to my blog, because you’re such loyal pets (Who your Mistress loves very much) here’s the image that helped inspire this work.

So you see? It’s just that simple. You toss me out a nice action shot like this, and I’ll try my best to come up with a story for it like the one you just read. You want me to write more stories. Right, pets? Because…you liked this one so much? And you know how much I enjoyed writing them? Please submit your ideas, I’ve…sigh…nothing but free time now.
Katalina Star


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