Thursday 14 December 2017

Make Up Challenge and Baby Update

Ariel and myself each working on a side of Charlie's face as she sits between us with a curtain seemingly splitting her up in half to keep us from seeing the other side of her.

Ariel: I'm thinking we should have done this for Halloween.

Holly: In a way we still did her for Halloween.

Ariel and I sit in our usual spot with Charlie seated in between us.

Ariel: Hello, everyone! Welcome to another vlogging style Sub Pink Mutt! Today we're joined by Charlie.

I hug Charlie who hugs me back.

Ariel: You wanna say hi to everyone, Charlie?

Charlie: Bark bark!

For the benefit of those who haven't met her, Charlie is a woman but is very much into puppy play. I dabble, but Charlie lives it. Maybe 95% of the time.

Ariel: Today we're going to be doing a make up challenge within a make up challenge...within a make up challenge.


Ariel: May have gone one too far there.

Holly: We're just doing a make up challenge within a make up challenge.

Ariel: Right. This all came about when I actually thought about the way we do our makeup, which is actually incredibly different from one another.

Holly: I like to start from a heavy base foundation.

Ariel: To cover the scars.

Holly: They weren't all scars.

Ariel: Bruises, of a hardcore wrestler with an abusive trainer.

Holly: Jealous?

Ariel: Not so much now. (Laugh) I, on the other hand with my formerly limited budget, used to work very, very cheaply. These are things we still, in a way, use today and we figured we'd use our cute and cuddly puppy help demonstrate the differences.

Holly: While...playing a make up quiz between ourselves with punishments and rewards.

Ariel: Because this is an S&M channel, we have to get something of the like in there.

Skip ahead to us starting on Charlie with the curtain blocking us from one another.

Ariel: Probably wondering about the curtain.

Holly: To keep you from cheating.

Ariel: can I at this?

I laugh

Ariel: So to start the challenge within the challenge...when we first met, what color lipstick did I have on?

Holly: Define first met. Are you talking when you first saw me? Or when we were actually introduced?

Ariel: Introduced.

Holly: Red.

Ariel: That was a warm up one.

Holly: Where's my reward?

I come back over the curtain to receive a kiss from Ariel.

Holly: When I was younger, and keeping on the lipstick theme, what would I use in place of real lipstick?

Ariel: Um, um, um...

My hand comes back in behind her backside.

Ariel: Crayola marker!

Holly: What color?

Ariel: Purple!

I give my wife a rewarding kiss.

Ariel: What perfume did I use for our first date?

I stick out my butt taking the hard swat.

Holly: I never wanted to commit it to memory.

Ariel: I told you I work cheap.

Holly: What kind of eyeliner am I using right now?

Ariel: Well that's not fair.

Holly: Neither was the perfume one.

Ariel: Suppose that's true.

Ariel sticks her backside out as I give it a playful smack.

Ariel: You know, I'm actually quite enjoying this.

Holly: The spanking or the makeup?

Ariel: A little of everything, actually. Be great to get some of our friends in this seat.

Holly: Like who?

Ariel: Love to see you get close to Jami. She'd have to wear a bib to keep your drool off her.

Holly: What can I say? I love a girl with red hair.

That earns me a quick smack from Ariel that I just giggle over.

Holly: Maybe run a few design challenges at the same time. Like gaming or such characters on Miss. Kate's face or magical emblems along Miss. Zahara.

Ariel: Decorate Claire up real nice.

Holly: You know she's gone back to black?

Ariel: Shame, she looked nice as a blond. Though you know who'd be the real challenge?

Holly: Who?

Ariel: Stacy. I dunno why, but I feel we could get a good goth thing going with her.

Holly: She's too nice.

Ariel: Which is why it'd be hard.

These are all shout outs, ladies, feel free to drop us a line. We'll be nice.

Once finished, Ariel and myself sit back down letting everyone get a good look at Charlie's half and half face. Indeed mine is just a basic cover up while Ariel has gone all out stretching every bit of make up she has to create an elegant look.

Ariel: We are so keeping you like this for your walk later. Maybe even a posture collar so everyone can see your pretty face.

Charlie: Bark bark!

Holly: You shouldn't have said walk.

We both laugh.

Ariel: So Holly, tell us how your pregnancy has been going. You've been fairly quiet about it as of late.

Holly: Because there hasn't really been much to talk about. I've been taking it easy, I haven't come to my cravings yet, but...

I stand and take off my top turning to show off my baby bump as Ariel touches a hand along it. While my nipples still hold their rings I've removed my belly piercing.

Ariel: Didn't promise them nudity in everything.

Holly: Still fun. But yes, this is where we're at right now. This is two month Marie Destiny Madison.

Ariel: Or Mark.

Holly: Marie. Told you, lady thoughts.

Ariel: Well...then on this image of my lovely topless wife and excited puppy...we're going to close off for now. We'll see you all tomorrow.

Holly: Bye!

Ariel: Bye!

Charlie: Bark!

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