Sunday 2 August 2015

Fashion sense

So this is sort of a weird blog for me given that it contains at first a bit of a rant. One I hope won't dissuade any of my followers on Twitter or loyal readers here. It's just a matter of annoyance I have with something and figured I could voice them here. Now, this doesn't mean you need to sit through this as I'm sure a fair number of you come for the S&M stuff. Personally I don't blame you because I love it and it's as they say; write what you love. So by all means if it pleases you go ahead and skip the first section. It's just me getting it out there so I no longer have to be thinking about it. Even though, to be honest, the second part isn't all that heavy into bondage. Why? Because the theme of this fashion.

$40 Fuck You
So, as I'm sure most of you know by now, the season of fall is upon us within the coming weeks. I know a lot of you out there don't like to think about it but personally fall is my favourite time of the year. The fresh scents, beautiful colours, cozy fires. I LOVE going down a bright street in a pony cart. Absolutely love it. Anyway, before I gush over the season more I should get back on track.

As most of you also know my home company of Girl Power Wrestling has begun it's first major tour in Europe and won't be back until the fall. That said I decided to do a little of my shopping before hand or at least to look over things so I could have an idea of what I want when I return. It was in one of these stores, which shall remain nameless, I came across a travesty upon the fashion and lifestyle I had grown up with.

Now, before I continue I must insist that this is not an attack on those that have purchased the item in question. Your fashion is your own business. :)

Pre cut up jeans. Now, if these were cut with designs or something to that effect then I could understand. But these...these weren't. They were given purposeful wear and tear. Holes along the thigh and pokes every which way. On top of that every pair was the exact same. Every hole identical, every mark, every fade, everything. The worst part? $40 for a single pair. Now, am I the right person to complain about prices? No. But I do know a clear cut rip off when I see it and this, pets, is a rip off.

When I was growing up this was a part of fashion. It was a part of the “grunge look”, I believe. The grunge ideals, if I read into it properly (Remember, growing up a teenager I was...into other things :P) was a “fuck you” attitude. A fuck you statement to conformity. These jeans...are an insult to that very way of life. AND THEY WERE ADULT SIZES! As if to say fuck you, we win! Well no, because I would proudly wear second hand jeans and cut into them myself than try and fit into a crowd of genetically altered fashion. Yes, I wrote that. I figure by now people are just skimming and those that aren't...there's a little treat for you. :)

So that's my rant, I hope you don't mind it. And sorry if I upset anyone with it. Like with everything else I'm always open to feedback and further discussion about what I write.

Women make the pony shoes
So...from a hefty rant on fashion to a sort of joyous occasion in them. Heelless shoes are becoming a thing, pets, and I am excited. Honestly! I know some sites dedicated to ponyplay have actually shut down in response to these, stating that it no longer makes ponyplay into this erotic game but an every day affair in a sense, but I'm not like that. I embrace these boots, I bought a pair for Katie a few weeks ago just because she loves her hooves so much.

For those that don't know what I'm referring to, simply take a heeled boot and simply remove the heel. The price isn't even that bad for a lot of them and yes, I know I complained earlier about $40 jeans but these boots are ranging from $50-$150. That's around average for a new pair and these are specifically designed to still provide enough adequate arch support. These aren't cut up and thrown out there!

Oh lord, if anyone is going to hate me from this blog it'll be about this. Alright, I'll address the other aspect about this. The reason why certain places have shut down in response to this.

The biggest problem I found they had with it was that it made it look like a profitable game. ...isn't that how we use it? It's not really any different than say going to the movies or shopping at a store. Must it always be this hidden fantasy of ours? A secret titilation that we end up whispering about? Over the past few years bondage lifestyles have come out into the open and have been widely accepted. Dare I bring up that book series that turned into that movie franchise. These boots are just another plus in being open enough about what we do.

Do I think these boots will lead to fillies and stallions roaming the streets? Maybe is some fantasy story. I mean it would be silly to say “It all started with a pair of boots.” Then again it's not nearly as silly as saying “It all started when a man stepped onto a rock.”

Okay, this blog is officially all over the place. Even I don't know what's going on here. Thing is I don't like the jeans but I love the boots and I feel it silly that people would react so negatively toward them. There. Done. Hmph. lol I'll most likely post up a story later to counteract this blog, pets. :P

Katalina Star

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