Friday 13 October 2017

My Cat and Dragon Want To Sleep With Me Ep.03

Standing over a well set table, Tohru puts on the finishing touches of properly arranging out the utensils alongside the two dinner plates even going so far as to use a ruler to properly space them out. While she tends to this, Felicia comes up looking over the table with awe over Tohru's delicate procedures.

“What are you doing?” She inquires.

“Setting things for a romantic dinner between Miss. Hotaru and myself.” Tohru giggles.

“Oh.” Felicia replies looking over the table some more. “Those candles aren't the same height.”


Going in for a closer look, Tohru eyes each candle seeing that one looks a little shorter than the other. It isn't by much but she can't take the risk of having Hotaru notice. Therefore, she takes the longer of the two and bites out a piece swallowing it down putting it back in the holder.

“The other's a little too big now.”

Felicia points out as Tohru goes back down for another inspection finding the cat girl to be correct. Grabbing the candle, she bites and swallows putting it back in place.

“Still not right.”

Tohru now growls at the defiant candles as the process continues as such for a number of candles until finally the door opens.

“I'm hoooome.”

I call out to find Tohru on the floor groaning with her hands resting over her stomach. Up at the dining room table, Felicia is just resting a napkin over her lap as she giggles back at me.

“Care to join me?”

My name is Hotaru Shidare. I'm a Leo with a blood type A. I run a candy store beneath my apartment and up until a few weeks ago that's about as far as I'd go in describing my life. But a few weeks ago things took a turn when a dragon showed up on my door and I adopted a cat into my life. That would seem pretty strange in itself, but the weirder thing to say is...

As Felicia sits at the now tidied dining room table surfing the net on Hotaru's laptop the next morning, Tohru passes by with a basket of laundry singing happily to herself.

“Miss. Hotaru's dirty laundry, cleaning all the dirt. Crush it beneath my feet. Death to the world.”

She hums out the rest as she goes outside leaving Felicia alone with the computer. The catgirl lazily drags her claw over the touch pad controlling the cursor as she switches positions constantly. From draping herself along the side of the couch, to lying on her back holding the laptop above her upside down, to coming out from the bathroom with it, to ultimately just sitting at the coffee table with it when the dragon maid returns.

“Are you still on that?” She asks to no response.

Tohru just shakes her head turning on the TV to some random talk show for background noise as she kneels down resting the basket of clean clothes next to her smiling a little too much as she pulls up a white blouse top.

“Miss. Hotaru's clothing.” She takes a deep whiff and sighs. “It doesn't smell like her yet...”

Somehow, she manages to maintain enough of her composure as she starts to fold up the laundry placing them aside all until she brings out a black lace bra. Now composure was out the window as Tohru is practically drooling over the thin object in her grasp. At least until she hears an excited exclamation from Felicia in behind her. Looking back over her shoulder, Tohru wonders what's going on until Felicia turns the laptop surprising the dragon maid with what was on the screen.

My Cat and Dragon Want to go Trick or Treating

It was a rather slow morning in the shop so I busied myself with a little inventory count when I hear the doorbell go off.

“Store's open, come on in!” I call out before going back to work only to hear the door bell once more. “We're open!” I call out again only a little louder this time hoping they hear me this time.


“I'm coming, I'm coming.” I sigh approaching the door wondering what was going on.

When I open it, I'm immediately met with two sets of hands cupped together. One set in white gloves and the other covered in fur.

“Trick or treat!!!” The two exclaim in unison as I stand there a bit befuddled.


Moments later, I'm back in behind the counter with both Felicia and Tohru showing me what they had seen on the computer. It was a western advertisement for a trick or treat gala event at some community centre.

“Ohhhhh. So children go around one night a year and are given free candy?”

Both Tohru and Felicia nod in unison looking back at me. It was rare to see the two this far in on the same page together, I couldn't dash their hopes but at the same time...

“We don't really do that around here though.”

I knew saying that would be bad news as each hung their head down in disappointment. I needed to think up some way to get them energized again but I didn't know if there was anything I could do then.

“I'll look into it though.” I promise seeing some semblance of hope showing up on their faces. It made me glad, just felt like I was cheating to get them there.


I had spent all day researching how Halloween and trick or treating work and while I did find some acceptance of it here in Japan, nothing that could keep the two of them entertained. While there were gatherings it didn't involve candy, and while there was trick or treating it was mostly only for children. But, at the same time, there was another issue in mind as I look across the living room to Tohru dusting along a shelf while Felicia napped in a cozy sunbeam.

“Does it hurt?” I ask drawing Tohru's attention. “Hiding your horns in public.”

Tohru blinks a couple times having not expected that sort of question but looks glad it was asked as she clutches the duster to her chest.


“Emotionally?” I further ask getting a sense of where Tohru was going. For a moment, she keeps silent.

“A little. It's nothing I can't handle, but hiding who I does sting. It must be worse for Felicia given her age.”

“How old is she?”


Out goes my drink spurted from my mouth as Felicia rolls onto her back still sound asleep as the sun stretches along her tummy.

“She's only three?” I look along her body. Those hips...those breasts...that hair! Tohru only giggles.

“To you she's three, but in a sense she's more twenty-one. But I doubt she's been here long enough to know how to really conceal herself. If she went out in public with me to go shopping...I don't really know what she'd do.”

That makes sense to me as I continue watching Felicia purr contently in her own little slice of heaven. At that point, an idea comes to me. It isn't brilliant or bright so it doesn't have me shoot up from the sofa, but it does have me turn back to Tohru.


“Yes, Miss. Hotaru?”

“Would,” I begin as I turn away rubbing the side of my arm leaving Tohru to guess what I wanted as she tilts her head. “You mind taking us on a trip in a few weeks?”

Tohru blinks until she realizes what it means. Her smile widens and her eyes fill with tears of joy as she gives the most solid of nods leaving me both glad while at the same time concerned.


I scream out off the top of my lungs as Tohru, in her pure dragon form, flies us over the pacific ocean immediately regretting the decision I had made weeks before to even do this.

“Tohru! Tohru, slow down!” I beg as Felicia just laughs joyfully in behind me going so far as to throw her arms up in the air.

Me? I cling myself down against the back of Tohru's neck grabbing hold of her scales for support as, unbeknownst to myself, Tohru's cheeks (although green in her dragon form) turn a bright pink when she feels my bust pressed against her as she continues to soar over the ocean.


“Trick or treat!”

The two again shout in unison but to a much more understanding individual who gives candy into their open bags. I stand back and watch the two giggling over the fun run up to the next house slowly following along on the sidewalk. I can say that I was proud they were getting their treats, I can even say it brought a smile to my face to see them walking openly as who they were among the public, but seeing them smiling at one another after each house was definitely my treat for the evening.

My trick, however...was standing huddled under my own arms shivering as Tohru across from me looks to be suffering the same fate as a fire goes between us.

“Make it hotter, Tohru, make the fire hotter!”

“My lungs...they're so cold!”

The two of us shiver as the furry Felicia bounds happily, giggling as she dives through the snow under the maple leaf flag.

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